Please provide your feedback

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the proposed Meenakeeran wind farm and battery energy storage project.
We would encourage everyone with an interest in the project to give us their feedback. To do this you can use the following methods:

Post: Meenakeeran Wind Farm
Belmont Strategy
Scottish Provident Building
7 Donegall Square West

If you have any queries regarding the information presented as part of this community consultation process, please contact us directly using the details provided. Belmont Strategy – ABO Energy NI’s communication and engagement partner on this project – can be contacted via telephone on 028 9091 8241 between the hours of 10am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.

Please note: Any comments made to ABO Energy and/or the project team during this pre-application community consultation process are not representations to the planning authority. If a formal planning application is submitted, local advertisement and neighbour notification will take place and there will be an opportunity to make representations to the planning authority at that time.

Next steps

Your feedback will now be considered in detail as work progresses towards finalising our designs and collating all the relevant planning application documents.

It is intended that a full planning application and Environmental Statement for the project will be submitted to Derry City and Strabane District Council by the end of 2024. The Council will then process and decide the outcome of the application.

If planning permission is granted and all other necessary consents are achieved, the main construction period will last for approximately 18 months, from commencement of construction of the site access through to installation of the turbines and ending with energisation and site reinstatement. The construction duration may vary depending on weather conditions.

It is proposed that the development, if approved, will have a lifespan of 35 years, at which point the site would be decommissioned and all above surface mechanical/electrical equipment and the control building will be removed, the concrete bases will be covered over with soil reinstated and reseeded.